Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Expansion of the Universe

Gravitational repulsion, does this really exist?
Albert Einstein thought so.
Perhaps A. Einstein was correct and then again, perhaps not.
In this short text I will present to you, a different way of looking at the issue of the expansion of our universe.
Our universe consists of 
4% normal matter 
23% dark matter 
73% dark energy

I see the expansion of our universe as dark matter/energy (but from here on simple referred to as dm/e) multiplying in-between all the galaxies, and this way forcing all the galaxies apart from each other.
Since our universe very well could be limited within its own dimensions, the increase of dm/e would probably force the universe to expand within itself, pushing its matter further and further apart and expanding it like a borderless soap-bubble, instead of just adding to the "outer edges" and leaving the galaxies in fixed positions within.
The dm/e simply acts like a wedge, being forced between two fixed points (galaxies), and thus pry them apart. And since this is happening all over our universe, the effect would be a total expansion.
But how?
Consider a multiverse.
An infinite amount of universes, feeding each other an infinite amount of power, and this itself generating the expansion of the dm/e or perhaps better said, creating the mass and energy of the new dm/er.
Well, energy can not be created or destroyed, merely transformed?!
Indeed, but just as our universe has got its amount of energy to go around, so has the multiverse which we reside in. So energy are being transformed within the multiverse and focused on single universes.
The vibrations of every universe creates energy, just like the magnetic field around a moving rotor core creates electricity.
All universes which are set in their own different vibrational setting, effects its counterpart or counterparts. Since the multiverse is endless, this also gives us an endless possibility of more than two universes being connected.
Close by or endlessly far away.
Each universe acting like a rotor core, and the dm/e within its opposite universe, acting like the increasing amount of electricity being generated by the increasing vibration/rotation of the first said universe.
Each universe expanding for ever, just as its counterpart vibrates forever.
The dm/e itself will increase the vibrations of its own universe, and this way adding to the effect of expanding its counterpart even faster.
Two effects are in play in this process.
The natural vibration within the universe itself, and the acceleration of that vibration, created by the dm/e which itself is created and accelerated by the vibration from the opposite universe.
Perhaps you have had similar thoughts about something like this?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Research Into Long-Necked Dinosaurs Identifies Potential Key to Their Success

Research Suggests Sauropod Eating Habits the Key to Their Success

The largest land animals ever to exist, the long-necked dinosaurs, otherwise know as the Sauropods, owed their success to the ability to grow big very quickly and to do this they needed to process what they ate very efficiently. A new European study into the likely feeding behaviours and growth rates of Sauropoda, the scientific name for the long-necked dinosaurs, concludes that during the Mesozoic, size really did matter.
Growing Big To Put Off Predators
A team of scientists believe that these animals grew huge to discourage predators, simply becoming to big for carnivorous dinosaurs to hunt effectively. The paper, to be published in the academic and highly respected journal "Science" examines the growth rates of Sauropods and postulates that these monstrous leviathans were warm-blooded. They would have needed high metabolic rates to sustain their rapid growth. Gigantism certainly has its advantages, for example African elephants have virtually no natural predators once they reach a certain size. Some of the members of a British led expedition to Kenya in the early part of the 20th Century recalled a story of a female elephant being attacked and killed by lions but this was an extremely rare occurrence and one that occurred in exceptional circumstances. Lions do attack elephants, especially at night where the carnivores eyesight is much more effective than the elephant's, but in virtually all cases, the attacks are on young animals.
The pride concerned in the Kenyan tale, was very big, consisting of approximately 20 lionesses and some other semi-mature animals. There had been a prolonged period of drought which had limited the game available and the elephant attacked and killed was an immature animal believed to be about 15 years old. The attack occurred at night when this young female elephant got separated from the herd after visiting one of the few remaining water holes in the area. Could this type of behaviour seen in predator/prey relationships today, reflect what occurred with the Dinosauria?
Pack Hunting Predators
It is probable that some carnivorous dinosaurs may have hunted in packs and large numbers of Giganotosaurs or Allosaurs would have been formidable adversaries quite capable of tackling an adult Sauropod had they attacked as a group. From the few trackways that have been preserved showing Sauropods moving in a herd, it seems that the smaller more vulnerable animals were to be found in the middle whilst the larger adults walked towards the outside of the group provided some protection for the younger animals.
Certainly, some of these herbivorous Sauropods grew into giants. Although scientists still debate the maximum size and weights of these animals estimates of 80 to 100 tonnes are not uncommon and some of the lighter Diplodocids could reach lengths in excess of 33 metres or more.
Successful Sauropods
The large bodies and long necks effectively gave these long-necked dinosaur a very efficient feeding platform, allowing them to strip the vegetation from surrounding cycads, tree ferns and horsetails with little movement of their large bodies, indeed it is thought that different species of Sauropod fed on different types of plant matter to limit competition between species. Brachiosaurs for example with their necks held high could browse on the tree tops, stripping away branches and leaves with their peg-like teeth literally combing the food into their mouths. In comparison, other Sauropods that shared the same habitat such as Apatosaurus probably fed on the understorey of vegetation.
Feeding Habits of Dinosaurs
Although the Sauropoda had weak, peg-like teeth, the majority of which were in the front of their mouths, they were very efficient feeders. Their huge simple stomachs were able to process huge amounts of vegetation. The stomach contained vast amounts of bacteria and this bacteria helped to break down the tough cellulose of the plants and the sturdy plant fibres. Studies of the cross-sections of Sauropod fossil bones indicate that these animals grew very quickly. A hatchling could grow from weighing less than two kilogrammes to being a hefty three hundred kilogrammes in its first year.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why Get an Associate's Degree in Pharmacy Technology?

Despite not being a prerequisite, an associate's degree will help your career as a pharmacy technician. Yes it may cost more, but the duration by which you can finish this program is relatively short when you compare it to other professions in the health care industry and you will earn that money back as you go along your career.
In as little as six months, you can start your career as a pharmacy tech. Some schools even offer a part time study schedule for more busy individuals or people who want to shift professions. This short turnaround is why a lot of people want to get in this industry. But what most people fail to realizd is that the type of education as well as the school you are going into.
Look for an accredited school
In looking for an accredited institution, to be more specific a school accredited by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists. This gives you assurance that the training you will get has passed stringent requirements set by the industries top professionals. This means the program involves academic, practical and experiential courses designed to make you a well-rounded pharmacy technician.
Practical and on the job training play a vital role in your preparation to become a pharm tech, despite what some people claim that academic studies are enough because you will be working with drugs, medication that can adversely affect the quality of living when given in the wrong dosage.
Imagine yourself having diabetes buying prescription medication for another illness. You would not want the pharm tech serving you to give you a wrong dosage of a drug that can adversely affect the insulin in your body. This is the exact reason why pharmacies will only want to hire individual who've completed a training program in an accredited school.
Why Then Should I Get an Associate's Degree?
There are a multitude of reasons. Firstly, associate's degree holders are more highly sought after by larger pharmacies both in retail as well as in hospital pharmacies. With that being said, you'll get a higher wage, currently the median is at 13.50 dollars per hour. Plus more training opportunities in other fields like nuclear and clinical pharmacy.
Second, you'll have more opportunities in your profession. You'll have the chance to get promoted to a higher role like a supervisory position or even as a sales representative for drugs. These positions offer you more job security and a more fulfilling experience at work.
Third, you'll also have the opportunity to work in a hospital setting with the patients themselves. Most pharmacy technicians will not have this opportunity if they don't have the right education. Working in patient care is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have as a pharmacy tech. You get to work with pharmacists and physicians themselves in taking care of patients.